I’m José Novais, a Software Engineer with several years of experience with high level of autonomy, sense of responsibility, commitment and experience in interacting with clients. I work mainly with Microsoft technologies such as .NET, C#, SQL Server and I have expertise in portuguese and international payment methods, such as Multibanco, MBWay, Payshop, SEPA direct debits, Boleto.
About this website
Many people say that we should have a website to make ourselves known and maybe profit from advertising, if the content has some quality. Although this makes sense, the main objective was not this, because I am not a writer and I am not very good at writing articles.
Thus, the reason for creating this website was simpler: to learn something about technologies that I don’t normally use, or use little, such as Linux, Docker, WordPress, etc. If what is written here is useful to someone, so much the better.